The doctrine of the Christian walk


            1. Walking in doctrine — 2 John 4. Doctrine is the mean of our walk.

            2. There is walking by means of faith — 2 Corinthians 5:7; Colossians 4:5.

            3. Walking in spirituality:

                        a) Walk in the Spirit — Galatians 5:16.

                        b) Walking in love — Ephesians 5:2.

                        c) Walking in newness of life — Romans 6:4.

                        d) Walking worthy of our vocation — Ephesians 4:1.

                        e) Walking worthy of the Lord — Colossians 1:10.

                        f) Walking honestly as in the day — Romans 13:13.

                        g) Walking in good works — Ephesians 2:10.



          A classification of verbs for walking

            1. A)nasrefw is used for the pattern of social life — Ephesians 3:3

            2. Stoixew refers to action along a particular line — Romans 4:12; Philippians 3:16. It means to follow a definite course of action, a course of action which is recognisable in the context.

            3. Peripatew connotes personal or an individual life-pattern.


          The doctrine of walking

            1. Walking depicts modus operandi. It can also depict modus vivendi. (Modus operandi is overt function; modus vivendi is soul function). Walking in the New Testament is used, therefore, for the function of the believer in phase two.

            2. Walking is compatible with one day at a time. Just as walking requires one step at a time so phase two requires living one day at a time. That is the subject of Romans chapter 14.

            3. The mechanics of walking. Biped homo sapien is off balance for a moment and puts his foot forward. By putting his foot forward and down he moves forward on balance. The believer in the angelic conflict is likewise off balance but stabilised by the intake of doctrine and its application.

            4. There are three spheres of the believer’s walk. The first is in doctrine, 3 John 3. The second is in the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:16. The third is by faith, 2 Corinthians 5:7.

            5. Walking, therefore, is a description of the filling of the Spirit, Galatians 5:16; Romans 8:2-4; Ephesians 5:2.

            6. Walking is also a description of the function of GAP, Ephesians 5:15.

            7. Walking is also a description of the edification complex [ECS]: “walk in the light,” 1 John 1:7; “walking in newness of life” — Romans 6:4; “walking worthy of the vocation,” Ephesians 4:1; “walking worthy of the Lord,” Colossians 1:10; “walking honestly as in the day,” Romans 13:13; “walking in good works,” Ephesians 2:10.